
Gold Coast Airport Ground Transport Infrastructure

  • Location - Coolangatta, QLD
  • Completion Date - March 2019
  • Value - $10 Million
  • Client - Gold Coast Airport Corporation

The Ground Transport Infrastructure (GTI) project undertaken at the Gold Coast Airport involved upgrades to existing and construction of new roads, taxi ranks, bus parking and car parking areas. A key scope of the works was permanently diverting, then backfilling a significant drainage area to facilitate future airport upgrades including the construction of a new hotel.

As Principal Contractor, SEE Civil was responsible for the overall environmental, safety and traffic management for the site.

SEE Civil has delivered many projects at the Gold Coast Airport, become a trusted contractor for the Gold Coast Airport Corporation. This was evidenced on the GTI project when SEE Civil assisted with progressive desing development of works packages following initial award. The SEE Civil team also developed construction methods that addressed acid sulfate soil and PFAS soil issues as well as delivering time and cost efficiencies for the project.

Scope of works

  • Realignment of the main entrance to the airport (Terminal Drive)
  • Onsite treatment of acid sulfate and PFAS soils, including construction of dedicated treament areas
  • Installation of drainage infrastructure, including the largest Awquceptor Gross Polluntant Trap in the southern hemisphere, in water charged ground.
  • Staged installation of sheet piles to create a coffer dam to enable filling activities
  • Staged dewatering of Coolangatta Creek to enable filling and new stormwater installation
  • Placement of approximately 25,000m3 of onsite spoil (from previous airport projects)
  • Demolition of diverted stormwater infrastructure
  • Installation of 1220mm and 1800mm diameter storm water pipes in ground charged water
  • Construction of new stormwater management network including pipes, pits, culvert headwalls and open channels
  • Construction of access road including subgrade treatment, sub-basecourse, basecourse and asphalt layers
  • Management of complex environmental considerations across all stages of construction


The GTI project was undertaken in close proximity to the secure airside environment at the Gold Coast Airport

A key stormwater drainage structure was permanently diverted then backfilled.

A coffer dam using sheet piles was built to then divert the drainage structure

SEE Civil installed the largest Aquceptor Gross Pollutant Trap in the southern hemisphere as part of the works

Roadworks intersected with and impacted on the major arterial road into the airport - Terminal Drive.

The project required significant drainage infrastructure to be built

Pacific Highway Upgrade, Woolgoolga to Ballina - Tyndale Borrow

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